Meet Quorum

Your dedicated platform for real-time polling, discussion, and visualisation.

If you're managing a class, click here instead.


Quorum offers everything you need to implement live, interactive, easy-to-use polls in your classroom or organization.

Boost Engagement

Quorum creates an interactive and dynamic learning environment, helping educators and students connect more effectively, fostering collaboration, and enhancing the educational experience.

Real-time Feedback

Instant, live poll results show you how your students are doing, and help you identify areas of confusion and misunderstanding.

Track Participation

Quorum tracks student participation, helping you identify students who may be struggling, and helping you understand how your students are engaging with the material.

Pricing for all budgets

Boost engagement in the classroom and give everyone a voice with the plan that's right for you.


The essentials for having an engaging, live polling experience.


  • Up to 5 classes
  • Up to 450 students
  • Advanced class analytics
  • 48-hour support response time



Unlock AI and unlimited class sizes for better insights in bigger classrooms.


  • Unlimited classes
  • Unlimited students
  • Built-in AI analysis
  • 24-hour support response time


Dedicated support and feature development for your organization.

Contact Us

  • Everything from the previous tiers
  • Custom branding and integrations
  • Enterprise security measures
  • 1-hour, dedicated support response time
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